How To Get A Smooth Finish On Tabletops

Getting a smooth finish with a topcoat can be difficult. On a tabletop, it’s really essential. Using a topcoat, such as polycrylic or polyurethane, is necessary on moderate to high traffic pieces like dining tables to protect it from damage and wear. Here’s how to keep the finish smooth.

• Make sure your workspace is as dust-free as possible. Don’t work in an area you just sanded in.

• Use a tack cloth to thoroughly wipe down the area to be finished and get all the dust off.

• Apply topcoat with a brush that has “All Stains and Polys,” on the label, the softer the better. The bristles are different than standard paint brushes.

• Apply first coat and let dry as directed on the can.

• Do not overbrush! Don’t try to fix areas that are starting to dry. Unfortunately, if you can’t let it dry completely and hand sand the area or you get white streaks doing so, you will probably have to sand the whole surface smooth and reapply paint/stain and topcoat. Frustrating, I know!

• Wipe down right before each additional coat of poly, the smallest dust particles can cause a sharp bump you will have to fix or live with.

• Allow topcoat to dry overnight or 24 hours, whatever is recommended on the can and leaves the surface dry and hard to the touch.

There you go, a nice, smooth finish! These tips work on shellac, or brand name topcoats as well.

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